Rapid Transformational Therapy
“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change"

Hello! I'm Lynda Duffy, and as a Certified Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Practitioner and Mind Coach, I work with people around the globe, helping free themselves from a wide range of emotional, mental and physical issues that are holding them back from being happy and enjoying life on their terms.

Read Lynda's recent Irish Independent Interview.

Miss Ireland, binge-eating and me: ‘I switched off from everybody. I didn’t speak to my parents, didn’t speak to my friends’ The former pageant queen’s private anguish was overwhelming but a new therapy has proved life-changing ....

Work with me

Our 3 step process

"Something had to change, so I did"


Book Your Free Consultation Call

A 20-minute consultation call is an essential first step in figuring out if RTT® is the right approach to your issue. During the call, you will have the chance to ask any questions you may have about RTT®, the session itself and if we are a good match to work together.

Choose a package

You will then be assisted to select the package that will have the most beneficial outcome for your presenting issue.

Schedule a Session

At this stage, you will be sent a link for the agreed date and time for our session. Congratulations! Your new journey begins.